School and Parent Associations

The success of your child depends on your involvement in their education and you are already doing well if you're reading this list. Below is a list of our partner organizations working to help families!

English Parent’s Committee Association

The EPCA Association, is a provincial organization representing the Parents’ Committees and Central Parents’ Committees of Quebec’s English school boards.


Founded by The English Parents Committee (EPCA), Fédération des comités de parents (FCPQ) and the Ministère de l’Éducation. The website offers families a wide range of resources for both parents and children and is intended for parents of school-aged children who want to provide support to their children's educational success.

Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations Inc.

Is an organization dedicated to enhancing the education and general well-being of children and youth. The QFHSA promotes the involvement of parents, students, educators and the community at large in the advancement of learning and acts as a voice for parents.

Open-School-Logo / Open School

This website offers a vast array of resources for learning, creating, having fun and staying active. You can choose your own adventure based on your knowledge and grade level.

New activities are added regularly to help you enjoy every day of learning.

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